Programs » Garden of Wonder

Garden of Wonder

The PS 133 Garden of Wonder Committee was created in 2011 to build a sustainable edible garden. Our goal is to build a garden classroom where principles come to life and growing connections will be made. Students will plant, maintain, study, harvest, and savor edible plants through curriculum-tied activities. They will learn about native plants and how vital they are to a thriving ecosystem. The garden and the lessons learned will foster among our students, their families, and the local community a lifelong engagement with healthy eating and with supporting a healthy environment.
Scroll down for pictures of the Garden. During the winter, we’ll be planning our garden space for the spring. We will also begin cultivating some of our seeds indoors for spring planting.
To volunteer with the Garden Committee or find out more, please email [email protected] or sign up for a garden task on the PTA recruitment form.

Key Dates

  • May 8: Garden workday
  • May 11: native plant sale.

Garden Needs

We're looking for dirt or compost, if you have any to donate.